Andover, Day Co., SD - 1916 Business Directory


      This information extracted from the "Northwestern Gazetteer and Business Directory", vol. XX (1916-1917), published by R. L. Polk & Co. Data transcribed by Joy Fisher, This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. All other rights reserved. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or othermeans requires the written approval of the file's author.


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ANDOVER. Pop 475. Day County.


A village on the C M & St P Ry 29 miles of Aberdeen. Has Catholic, Lutheran and Methodist churches, 2 banks, 2 hotels, an opera house, a feed mill, 6 grain elevators, a creamery and an electric light plant. A weekly newspaper the Gazette is published. Ships grain, produce and live stock. Land is worth $40 to $70 per acre. Exp W F & Co. Tel W U. Jno Deblizan P M.


Last Name              First Name         Business

Andover Gazette                           Alf E Raynes pub

Andover Opera House                       Arthur Haight mngr

Aplin & Son            F. F.              (Frank F and Harry G), gen store

Bagley Elevator Co.    Geo. C.            A C Matson, agt

Berntsen               Jno F.             barber

Carpenter              Wm.                hardware

Charles                Hattie (Mrs.)      propr, St Charles Hotel

Citizens State Bank    (capital $15,000)  E L Stone cashr

Day County Land Co.                       F S Pew, pres; J W Krueger, sec and treas

Debilzan               Geo.               farm implts

Debilzan               Geo.               pres, State Bank

Debilzan               Nicholas           auto livery

Denholm                Andr. R.           see Walker & Denholm

Dinneen                Frank              propr, The Waldorf

Empire Elevator Co.                       Stephen Pearson, agt

Farmers Elevator Co.                      Otto McMillan, agt

Farmers Union Elevator Co.                Geo Goodell, agt

Flanders               Arch S.            agt, Miller Elevator Co.

Goodell                Geo.               agt, Farmers Union Elevator Co.

Haight                 Arthur             mngr, Andover Opera House

Haight Bros.                              (Alf. E. and Arthur W.), meats

Hamilton Lumber Co.                       Jos B Hurley mngr

Hurley                 Jos. B.            mngr, Hamilton Lumber Co.

Johnson                Jos. A.            farm impts

Kimpel                 Jno                blksmith

Krueger                J. W.              sec and treas, Day County Land Co.

Kuni                   Fred               pool

Marske                 Alb.               mngr, Williams Lumber Co.

Matson                 A. C.              Geo. C. Bagley Elevator Co.

McMillan               Otto               agt, Farmers Elevator Co.

Miller                 Jno F.             phys.

Miller Elevator Co.                       Arch S Flanders, agt

Moxness                Alf                cashr, State Bank

Moxness                Alf                ins. agt.

Overholser             Roy L.             drugs

Parkinson              Floyd              restaurant

Pearson                Stephen            agt, Empire Elevator Co.

Pein                   Theo               bottler

Pew                    F. S.              pres, Day County Land Co.

Pew                    Jas. H.            livery

Pinnecker              Harry E.           pool

Plum                   Roy M.             r r, exp and tel agt

Popham                 Jesse L.           hardware

Porth                  Adam               blksmith

Raynes                 Alf E.             pub, Andover Gazette

St. Charles Hotel                         Mrs. Hattie Charles, propr

State Bank             (capital $10,000)  Geo Deblizan pres; Alf Moxness cashr

Stephens               Geo.               creamery

Stone                  E. L.              cashr, Citizens State Bank

Stone                  Earl L.            ins agt

Toy                    Edw. C.            gen store

Toy                    Victor             electric light plant

Wagner                 Louise (Mrs.)      baker

Waldorf, The                              Frank Dinneen, prop

Walker                 WM.                cementwkr

Walker & Denholm                          (Wm Walker, Andr R Denholm), bowling

Weishaii               Chas.              phys

Wiekre                 Sherman T.         real est

Williams Lumber Co.                       Alb Marske mngr