The following is a brief description of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Northwest of Bradley, Butler, Day County, South Dakota.

Care was made to assure accuracy but no warranties are offered. The data is presented here for genealogical purposes in hopes of helping people locate their ancestors. Information transcribed by Karen Kambestad

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Our Savior’s Lutheran Church,

Butler, South Dakota
Sixtieth Anniversary, 1880-1946

Organization began with an invitation sent to Rev. Arveson of Chicago, 1886.

First service held at Hans Stephenson’s home, 1886.

Ladies Aid – East Aid organized 1887 and West Aid orgainzed in 1893.

Constitution adopted May 31, 1890.

First baptism was Manda Cornelia Husher (Mrs. Otto Benson) on September 12, 1886.

First confirmation held May 3, 1891.

First marriage is that of Mr. and Mrs. Gurin Lee on January 4, 1891.

First buried was that of Mrs. Ragnhild Kortgaard.

Church cornerstone dedication was June 24, 1909. Exterior raised and finished Spring 1900 and Interior completed Spring 1905.

Church services were held in Norwegian until 1928.

Charter Members:

M. Aakre Louis Auby and family

O. Bye and family P. Dahl and family

G. O. Husher and family O. Husher and family

N. Lien and family C. Myhren

G. Myhren Simon Svenson

H. Stephenson and family


Rev. Notvedt 1886-1889

Rev. L L. Kjelous 1891-1893

Rev. J. U. Pederson 1894-1900

Rev. A. Flakhold 1900-1902

Rev. J. S. Holland 1902-1903

Rev. M. Mickelson 1903-1906

Rev. C. J. Fylling 1906-1914

Rev. L. O. Sunde 1915-1919

Rev. K. J. Arne 1919-1923

Rev. G. Groseth 1923-1926

Rev. Jorgensen 1926-1927

Rev. L. F. Scheie 1927-1934

Rev. E. Rossing 1934-1937

Rev. E. Ellefson 1937-1943

Rev. Odland 1943-1944

Rev. O. Hoven 1944-


First confirmation class held May 3, 1891:

Oline Bjerke (Rasmussen) Pauline Dahl (Ostroot)

Emma Johnson Frank Johnson

60th Anniversary confirmation class held May 1946:

Glen Bjerke Duane Lien

Luella Luvaas Levi Luvaas

Leila Nash

Ordained pastors: Peder Luvaas and Carl Hanson

Missionary: Miss Nellie Dahl, Madagascar