PIERPONT South Dakota Genealogy

PIERPONT, South Dakota Genealogy

The following hyperlinks are to an index of surnames listed in the "Pierpont Centennial History Book: 1887-1987" published in 1987 by The Langford Bugle, Langford, SD. A table of the pioneers of Pierpont is presented. In addition, links are provided to an INDEX of all individuals named in the Contribution section of this book. The entire database contains 5412 entries. Unfortunately, in some cases, the book did not list the maiden name of the spouse which precluded their inclusion.

Indexed by: Curtis P. Sigdestad

Pierpont Pioneers


A,  | B,  |  C,  |  D,  |  E,  |  F  | G,  |  H,  |  I or J,  |  K,  | L,  | M,  | N,  | O,  | P or Q,  | R,  | S,  | T,  | U, V or W,  | X, Y or Z   

Curt Sigdestad, Louisville, KY Day County Coordinators